Where does the film begin?

Where does the film begin?
What does the movie begin with? In the beginning, we define the theme of our future movie. What interests us? Then the hero comes - he is our key, a prism through which we will consider the topic. Of course, there is a conflict, everything should spin around it . And the obstacles that must be overcome by our hero to reach the goal, to reach the finale.
Before you start working on a script - you should see the whole movie.
"The film is ready - it's only should be shot." said Renee Claire.
But I want to consider an even more important topic - this is a goal, an over-task. What do you like to convey with your work? What conclusions the viewer will make? What thoughts and feelings tiy want to convey?
Therefore, the questions you should ask yourself about the future movie:
1.Do I have what to say to people?
2. What do I want to say with my movie?
3. What feelings do I want to convey?
4. What conclusions do I want them to do?
These questions will help you shape your future movie goal.
You don't have to be a scriptwriter. Perhaps, you already have a script or a book you want to film. Remember the number of interpretations of Romeo and Juliet, but each director has his own film. Why?
- Your attitude, personal experiences.
Any script you should to feel, skip through yourself. This is how your vision of history borns.
Directors we are storytellers. We should clearly understand what to say to the viewer.
There are directors like Filin who don't know how to finish their movie and comes to this during the filming. But I think that's not entirely true - they know the direction of the movie. There are directors who don't know how to shoot some scens, until they starts to work out them. But most directors, me too, work out in my head all the scenes in my mind. Todays rality ther'e no time and money for experiments. So, the best way is to prepare, think through each scene, every detail of your future movie. This the only way you will avoid painful mistakes.
What does the movie begin with? In the beginning, we define the theme of our future movie. What interests us? Then the hero comes - he is our key, a prism through which we will consider the topic. Of course, there is a conflict, everything should spin around it . And the obstacles that must be overcome by our hero to reach the goal, to reach the finale.
Before you start working on a script - you should see the whole movie.
"The film is ready - it's only should be shot." said Renee Claire.
But I want to consider an even more important topic - this is a goal, an over-task. What do you like to convey with your work? What conclusions the viewer will make? What thoughts and feelings tiy want to convey?
Therefore, the questions you should ask yourself about the future movie:
1.Do I have what to say to people?
2. What do I want to say with my movie?
3. What feelings do I want to convey?
4. What conclusions do I want them to do?
These questions will help you shape your future movie goal.
You don't have to be a scriptwriter. Perhaps, you already have a script or a book you want to film. Remember the number of interpretations of Romeo and Juliet, but each director has his own film. Why?
- Your attitude, personal experiences.
Any script you should to feel, skip through yourself. This is how your vision of history borns.
Directors we are storytellers. We should clearly understand what to say to the viewer.
There are directors like Filin who don't know how to finish their movie and comes to this during the filming. But I think that's not entirely true - they know the direction of the movie. There are directors who don't know how to shoot some scens, until they starts to work out them. But most directors, me too, work out in my head all the scenes in my mind. Todays rality ther'e no time and money for experiments. So, the best way is to prepare, think through each scene, every detail of your future movie. This the only way you will avoid painful mistakes.