Oscar 2019

So, tonight there'l be the 91st Oscar nomination. Oscar is the most prestigious film award of the United States, and of course the world. The Oscar has been awarded since 1929, and the gilded statuette began to be given in 1039.
Film critics are already talking about their predictions. However, the winners are strictly kept secret until they are announced.
This year 24 nominations are presented. Film academy planned to add another nomination - "films with the largest box office". But this proposal was rejected.
In the category “Best Film” this year the films are nominated:
- “Bohemian Rhapsody” - Dir. Brayen Singer and Dexter Fletcher; - “Voice” Dir. Adam McKay;
- “Green Book” Dir. Peter Farrelli;
- “A Star Is Burn” Dir. Bradley Cooper;
- "Black Panther "Dir. Ryan Kugler;
- “Black Kukluksklanovets” Dir.Spike Li; - “Favorite” Dir. Yorgos Lantimos;
- “Rome” Dir., Prod., Oper. Alfonso Cuarón;
The last two films have the largest number of nominations - 10.
In the nomination "Best Director" are presented almost all the directors of the nomination for "the best film".
In the nomination "Best Actors" are presented: Kristyan Bale - for the role of Dick Cheney (the film "Voice" ); Brady Cooper ("A Star Is Burn"); Rami Malek ("Bohemian Rhapsody"); Willem Defoe ("Van Gogh on the Eve of Eternity"); Mortensen wine (Green Book).
And for the title of the best actress this year are nominated: Lady Gaga ("A Star Is Burn"); Glenn Close ("Wife"); Olivia Coleman ("Favorite"); Melissa McCarthy (“Can you forgive me?”); Yalitsa Aparisio ("Rome").
Personally, I'm very impressed with the film "Rome". This is a black-and-white Mexican film. Its director, scriptwriter, DOP and even co-producer was one person Alfonso Cuarón. The story is based on an ordinary Mexican family. Their fate and usual life is broken by a student's mess during a Catholic holiday on July 10, 1971. when the demonstrators were shot by soldiers. Maybe this attitude, due to the fact that we are so familiar with such a story. It echoes the recent events on the Maidan. No matter these people are in Mexico, but we have common feelings and experiences. Interesting angles and well-disclosed characters wan't leave indifferent to this movie.
The rest of the nominees, I wish good luck. Each of them is worthy of gold Oscar statuettes.
And which picture of the nominated this year do you like?