First of all, the director is a story teller. And this is what you should be able to do VERY well!
From this skill will depend how you'll ignite the team, whether the producers will give you money for your movie, whether your picture will be profitable or fail at the box office.
Today there are a lot of good directors, but few good screenwriters.
Therefore, I strongly recommend directors to learn screenwriting skills.
If you learn not only to create an image or a blurry topic, but learn how to create a complete story with a sequence of events, learn how to create and reveal an image, learn how to make the hero interesting and beloved for the viewer, learn to see not pieces, but a finished film in the head and on paper - You will not be equal. It will be much easier for you to move in our sphere and all doors will open much easier and faster.
In this regard, I hasten to share a list of books that will help you to understand the structure of the script and will teach you the skill to write interesting stories..
1. Save the cat. Blake Snyder. (must have to read)
2. How to make a good script great. Linda Seger
3. The anatomy of story. John Truby
If you thoughtfully read these three books, you can already write a cool script.
So, good luck. I hope soon there will be a lot of high-quality and interesting movies.
From this skill will depend how you'll ignite the team, whether the producers will give you money for your movie, whether your picture will be profitable or fail at the box office.
Today there are a lot of good directors, but few good screenwriters.
Therefore, I strongly recommend directors to learn screenwriting skills.
If you learn not only to create an image or a blurry topic, but learn how to create a complete story with a sequence of events, learn how to create and reveal an image, learn how to make the hero interesting and beloved for the viewer, learn to see not pieces, but a finished film in the head and on paper - You will not be equal. It will be much easier for you to move in our sphere and all doors will open much easier and faster.
In this regard, I hasten to share a list of books that will help you to understand the structure of the script and will teach you the skill to write interesting stories..
1. Save the cat. Blake Snyder. (must have to read)
2. How to make a good script great. Linda Seger
3. The anatomy of story. John Truby
If you thoughtfully read these three books, you can already write a cool script.
So, good luck. I hope soon there will be a lot of high-quality and interesting movies.